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Niwi Payment

Stripe Payment Integration Guide

Getting Started with Stripe

  1. Visit and create a new account.
  2. Access your dashboard at
  3. In the Developer section, copy the Publishable Key and Secret Key.
  4. Click on Developer > Webhooks and save the endpoint_secret value for testing in a local environment.
  5. Set your environment variables using the obtained keys.


  1. Install the Stripe CLI:
    • For macOS: Run brew install stripe/stripe-cli/stripe.
    • For other systems: Refer to Stripe CLI Documentation for installation instructions.

Command Line Setup

  1. Log in to Stripe:
    stripe login
  2. Start listening for webhooks and forward them to your local server:
    stripe listen --forward-to localhost:3000/api/payment/webhook
  3. Trigger a payment intent in a new terminal tab:
    stripe trigger payment_intent.succeeded

Creating a Subscription Plan

  1. In the Stripe dashboard, navigate to Product catalog > + Add Product.
  2. Enter a product name, e.g., "Niwi Basic Monthly Plan".
  3. Set the price and billing frequency (e.g., Monthly).
  4. Note down the Price ID and update your environment variables.

Setting Environment Variables

Add the following keys to your .env file:

# Stripe Payment Service

# Subscription Price IDs from Stripe Account

Stripe Webhook Setup and Handling

This guide explains how to handle Stripe webhook events for subscription-related activities and checkout sessions.

file path: /app/api/payment/webhook/route.ts

Key Components

1. Setting Up the Stripe Client

const secretKey = process.env.STRIPE_SECRET_KEY || "";
const webHookKey = process.env.STRIPE_WEBHOOK_KEY || "";

const stripe = new Stripe(secretKey, { apiVersion: "2024-06-20" });

2. Handling Subscription Events

The handleSubscriptionEvent function manages events like subscription creation, updates, and deletions:

const handleSubscriptionEvent = async (event: Stripe.Event, type: handleSubscriptionEventType) => {
// Event handling logic

3. Handling Checkout Session Completion

The handleCheckoutSessionCompleted function processes checkout session completion events:

const handleCheckoutSessionCompleted = async (event: Stripe.Event) => {
// Handle metadata and update subscriptions if applicable

4. The Main Webhook Handler

The POST function serves as the webhook endpoint:

export async function POST(request: NextRequest) {
// Webhook logic and event routing
  • Signature Verification: Verifies the payload using the Stripe-Signature header.
  • Event Routing: Routes events like:
    • checkout.session.completedhandleCheckoutSessionCompleted
    • customer.subscription.createdhandleSubscriptionEvent("created")
    • customer.subscription.updatedhandleSubscriptionEvent("updated")
    • customer.subscription.deletedhandleSubscriptionEvent("deleted")

5. Logging and Debugging

The showPaymentLog function provides configurable logging:

const showPaymentLog = ({ message, type }: LogOptions) => {
// Configurable log output

How to Use This Webhook

Environment Setup

Ensure you have the following environment variables configured:


Handling Events Locally

For local testing, use:

stripe listen --forward-to localhost:3000/api/payment/webhook

You can trigger test events using:

stripe trigger payment_intent.succeeded

Extending Event Handling

Add more cases in the event routing switch statement to handle additional events:

switch (event.type) {
// Existing cases...

case "another.event.type":
// Handle another event


This implementation provides a robust approach for managing Stripe subscriptions and payments. You can extend it further by adding more event types, refining subscription logic, or enhancing logging options.